
April 16, 2011

The Absentee Blogger

Filed under: Poetry, Prose and Scattered Ramblings, Thoughts for the day — myjourneyfromfattofit @ 2:21 pm

I know I have been absent for quite some time but at the current time my life is a vortex of chaos and I have not been keeping my promises to myself in most areas, therefore I haven’t had much of any use to write.  My bf moved out, apparently we are still together but I can’t really wrap my head around how exactly that works in real life but whatev.  My mother was recently diagnosed with Cancer for oh about the 5th time and i was away with her during her surgery and subsequent recovery.  I am trying to get my life squared away in the next week or so to leave for a 3 month internship.  I feel like I simply want to pack my bags and run away far far faaarrrr away.  So needless to say I have not been going to the gym – once again I quit running – so now I have to start that activity from square one yet again.  I also have only been eating partially clean – slightly dirty to completely fithly on a daily basis.  So rather than whine like I am right now I made the decision to be an absentee blogger for the last little bit. 

never fear I will soon stop wallowing and start kicking my own butt back into gear and get clean.  I need a couple more dirty days and I’ll get back on the clean horse and ride it all the way to my new tight muscular bod 😉


  1. We are waiting patiently. Take care and enjoy every day, clean or dirty.

    Comment by sara — April 16, 2011 @ 3:36 pm

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